Call for Submissions

We welcome reviews and comments on a wide range of legal issues. We are particularly interested in observations and perspectives on China's/Asia-Pacific countries’ roles in shaping and reshaping international legal order.

If you wish to submit in English, please contact Yueming Yan.

If you wish to submit in Chinese, please contact Guiqiang Liu.

Accepted submissions will be posted on our website (for English submissions) or our WeChat Official Account (for Chinese submissions).

Session Proposals

If you would like to become our speaker/moderator/host, please submit a session proposal to us via email.

Please include the topic, the speaker(s) and affiliation(s), a short bio (around 100 words) of each speaker, the proposed date and time, and an abstract (no more than 500 words) of the content of the proposed session.

For general questions, please contact us here.